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Conceived in September 2003, Buzz and Bloom began as a home business that designed 12"x12" scrapbooking albums and "manufactured" them on our kitchen table. Within 3 years, it has grown into a thriving business.

Now, we're giving our full attention to the expansion of Buzz and Bloom's product lines to create more fabulous items that you'll just love to use.

Our focus and commitment this year is to bring Buzz and Bloom to a store near you. Ask for our products at your local store. If they don't stock them, ask them to, and let them know where to find us.

We hope you'll enjoy this blog site. We'll be filling it up with gallery photo albums, articles and projects, and other bits and pieces to inspire you.

Here's to a great artistic year!
Our warmest regards,
Helene and Devorah

All content on this website, including all projects, artwork and designs, is protected by copyright law, and cannot be copied, reprinted, sold or modified without express written permission from Buzz and Bloom, except when used for personal non-commercial use. You may link to any portion of this site freely.

YOU MUST NOT, without express written permission from Buzz and Bloom:

1) post any content found on this website on another website;
2) download and/or copy any content found on this website to display in your store or in any publication, either printed or internet-based;
3) download and/or copy any content found on this site to use, either wholly or in part, in a class or for any commercial use.

All requests for exceptions to the above should be directed in writing to:

Marketing Manager
Buzz and Bloom
PO Box 3150
Moorabbin East VIC 3189

Alternatively, send your request by email here.

Opinions expressed in any posts and/or journaling or other content in layouts or other artwork are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Buzz and Bloom, its owners, staff, or Design Team.